A few weeks ago, I mentioned how I had talked to Caroline McKenna, of charitypeeks.com, for an interview to go on her regular podcast. A few technical hitches delayed publication but it is now available to listen to at http://charitypeeks.com/09-martin-warrilow-ask-the-warrier/ (Forgive the spelling errors, Caroline is working to get them fixed as I speak).
I know I'm biased but I think it's well worth a listen; as well as taking the listener through my stroke story, it also details how I've been helped in lots of ways by the charity sector. Recent well-publicised events may have caused people to be a bit wary of donating to charities or helping them in any way. I hope my interview goes some way towards dispelling those views. As far as I'm concerned, without the help and support of Headway (www.headway.org.uk), Different Strokes (www.differentstrokes.co.uk) and the Stroke Association (stroke.org.uk), I wouldn't have come as far and as fast as I have in my rehabilitation.
As regular readers will know, I'm raising funds for Different Strokes (and in particular, the Facebook group it runs) through a sponsored 'run' later this month. If you would like to know more, or would even consider sponsoring me, my donation page is at http:uk.virginmoneygiving.com/MartinWarrillow.
My short stint on the subs' desk at the Derby Telegraph came to an end this week. Two afternoons a week as August holiday cover was enough to show me what I'm capable of, physically and mentally, but I have told them I am keen to return and help out if they ever need a good, experienced sub. If my mental and physical health continues to improve, who knows?
I'm not done with Derby, of course. I was back there on Tuesday this week for another gruelling session at the hands of my therapist and trainer, Emily Smedley. For reasons of which I'm still not entirely sure, this week she had me doing my usual running up and down stairs and corridors without my glasses. I was surprised that I didn't find myself bumping into doors and slipping down stairs but I've no plans to complete the run without my glasses, thanks.
To straighten up my sometimes-wobbly walking, she had me walking up and down the lines on a badminton court (Go on, you try it!) before more squats to strengthen my damaged left side. It's always a struggle but Emily has done wonders for my recovery, as far as I'm concerned. Unfortunately, she's more of a cyclist than a runner, so she won't be joining me (encouraging me? threatening me?) on September 27.
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