Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Spreading my message through word and website

'You can have the most important message in the world to give people, but it's no good if no-one knows about you."

I'm not sure who to credit with that statement, it's probably an amalgam of several people I know but, of course, it's true. I can bang on all I like about stroke awareness and all the other causes that interest me but if no-one's listening or knows where to find me, I might as well talk to my bedroom wall.

So on Friday this week, I hauled myself on the train up to Manchester and gave a 30-minute presentation about naturism to a group of members from 4Networking, the business networking organisation I belong to. It's the third time I've been there, but the first time I've spoken about naturism. As always when I discuss the subject, there were lots of nodding heads and people agreeing with my assertions about the naturist lifestyle.

I'm not sure any of them will be joining naturist organisations any time soon, but it might just give them a different attitude if they hear about a nearby naturist beach while on holiday in Europe or further afield this summer.

And I made contact with plenty of people who were interested in what I do while wearing my 'Warrior' costume, so to speak. One was an insurance broker who totally agreed with my assertion that not enough people take out critical-illness cover which would pay out in the event of a stroke and not enough companies offer it. He also completely agreed with me that the traditional lifestyle of the self-employed person, working 80 hours a week with the phone and laptop never off, puts them on the quick road to a heart attack or a stroke or both. And they may not be as fortunate as I was in surviving the experience.

On Monday, a video went on to my website at, courtesy of 4N member Matthew Riley of the Website Video Agency. With an eye on making sure that more people know about The Warrior it explains, briefly and succinctly, what I do and why I do it. If you have come to my blog from another direction, I'd be grateful if you'd take a look.

And on Sunday, myself and my therapist Emily Smedley were featured in a double-page spread in the Birmingham Sunday Mercury. I can't post a website link to it but there's a picture of it here:

Quite a week, then: and that was before Emily and I seemed on our way to a serious breakthrough in the walking/running stakes on Tuesday. What was it? I'll tell you next week......

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