Monday, 5 January 2015

It can't be anything but a happy new year

Christmas and New Year 2014-15 at Warrillow Towers was definitely better than Christmas 2013, I'll say that. A proper Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at home with the family, followed by a quiet New Year's Eve at home and traditional January 1 beer and football; not a hospital bed in sight, unlike last year.

Mrs W and I have made New Year's resolutions (and not yet broken them) and 2015 is about to begin in earnest. I said in my last pre-Christmas post that my life would be taking a new direction this year, going along previously-undreamt pathways. The first of those comes on Wednesday January 14, when I begin a ten-week introductory college course on learning counselling skills.

It's something which wouldn't have occurred to me pre-stroke, but I've always been good at helping people, my journalism training makes me a good listener and the experience of stroke-rehabilitation has really made me think about my future direction.

It'll be tough and I've yet to find out if my post-stroke brain can handle the academic demands, but there's only one way to find out. And all stroke-survivors will tell you about the importance of looking forwards, not backwards; glass half-full (at least), not half-empty.

That's how I'm approaching 2015. With my Warrior costume on, going forwards as positively as I can and looking forward to dealing with the barriers which life will put in my way. I won't be trying to deal with life post-stroke - I WILL be dealing with it. What other way can there be?

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